Senin, 14 November 2016

Genesis theosis: the Gen of Ord Skyes's Iron Stone

A referent about a genesis is must be from Allah (The God Just The Lord) because an impossibility of objection by other Thy's -as no essence of a life, nothing else-. Follow a god holly about a genesis like as a codex:
@ ...فقال لها وللأرض ائتـيا طوعا أو كرها ؟ قالتا أتينا طائعيــــــن... /الأية
read genesis answer: BOTH PLURAL {like IProtocol - Network;2n;...}truly released by sunset and planetarium as a Galaxion.COME isFunction of their. so their base theO is Where[ly] of Allah -IMMANENT- that was understood that Just Allah is their Live ON, deathless default hardware  programming [prebody].
@ ...قـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــل!.../الأية
read message habitation: SETROOM!; RUN!; SCRIPT IT!; BREAD IT!. A Qoul is a special communication between someone [subject] with objecter of iron or stone [object] that is not human angel communication. That object called by genesis and That subject called by Messenger. So all messenger was owned by IT's Allah Relativity -A Bread of The God better rather than a Sicloton Machine-. Qoul of Ord Skyes can release with a method of medium body grounding that is spoked by قل . But Allah was charted this communication to an Arabian to a Messenger sonship [Father Adam ].
@ ...كــونـــــــوا؟!...../الأية
read holly scripting: TECHNOLOGY;POWER; PROPHETIC MASS MATTERIAL; RELATIVITY; ADJIAN. There are a story like as Java Batara -Batara Karang, Batara Geni, etc.-. There are a story like as Profession - Robert Einstein, James Watt, etc.-. There is a story like as S.E.M relativity (Emina Paraclets) and Beetha relativity (Quds Paraclets). There is a story like as Gold or Silver Mass Matterials (Metafisic). There is a story like as Bermuda Kingdom and Kerajaan Selatan (The Power). This is speaking in Holy Readent (Al-Qur'an) about self fascim of Homo between Arabian and 'Ajamian (Foreign Arabian) like as knowen in competition of technology.
passive to Allah OR active
Symbolic of Qur'anic Fascism
Then how?. Allah was released a genesis right now era.
Anggel noWin; autoboth False

Here is a meTHE (mithe) about cirancasasti that something textured with a land original (tanah adat) and was imagined like as a women born. a Mean of It is that artificially, a genesis see/detect a women closed up rather a human then by their exactum, the God save it on their cache ficture -SHADOW ON-.
A Coordinate of Imaginer ciranca as follow:
Coordinate after unsein
Imajination Coordinate: Stone and Water lines
See about it:
1. Kunographi Ciranca
2. Prasasti Ciranca

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